Vocal Care Bundle

Vocalitea has been developed by award-winning voice experts and master tea blenders, specifically for professional voice users. Each ingredient has been carefully selected to help you soothe and take care of your voice. Our tea is naturally caffeine free, suitable for vegans, and does not contain any artificial flavours or colours. Contains 14 pyramid tea bags.

Resono Flex
The Resono Flex is an all new Water Resistant Voice Training (WRVT) tool, with built in features to help you build a strong, healthy, resilient voice.
Experience semi-occluded vocal tract (SOVT) exercises with bio-visual feedback through water bubbling, aiding in vocal recovery, rehabilitation, and optimal warm-up/cool-downs.

Voice Journal
Developed by award winning singing teacher, Oren Boder, internationally renown voice expert, Dr. Gillyanne Kayes, and prize-winning author and vocal coach, Jeremy Fisher.
The Voice Journal is designed to empower you as a singer and performer, help you discover more about your unique voice, and build strong, healthy, and lasting vocal habits and routines.